
Friendly Organizations
Unfriendly Organizations
    da BATF

National Rifle Association Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Gun Owners of America

National Organizations With Anti-Gun Policies

National Vital Statistics Reports
From the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
Deaths: Final Data for 2005
Volume 56, Number 10, April 24, 2008 (in .pdf format)


Lethal Laws a book by David B. Kopel
Originally published in the New York Law School Journal of International and Comparative Law, 1995, Vol. 15, pages 355-398.

Crime, Deterrence, and Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns
A paper by John R. Lott, Jr. and David B. Mustard
University of Chicago (in .pdf format)



Accuracy International    www.accuracyinternational.com
Armalite    www.armalite.com
Arsenal Inc. (US Made AK-47)    www.arsenalinc.com
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc.    www.barrettrifles.com
Benelli    www.benelliusa.com
Beretta    www.beretta.com
Browning    www.browning.com
Bushmaster    www.bushmaster.com
Charter Arms    www.charterfirearms.com
Chiappa Firearms    www.mkschiappa.com/
Colt Defense    www.colt.com
Franchi    www.franchiusa.com
Freedom Arms, Inc.    www.freedomarms.com
Glock    www.glock.com
H&K    www.hecklerkoch-usa.com
Kalashnikov    kalashnikov.guns.ru
Kel Tek    keltecweapons.com
Kimber    www.kimberamerica.com
Magnum Research    www.magnumresearch.com
Mossberg    www.mossberg.com
North American Arms    www.naaminis.com
Noveske    www.noveskerifleworks.com
Para-USA    www.paraord.com
POF-USA    www.pof-usa.com
Remington    www.remington.com
Rossi    www.rossi.com
Savage Arms    www.savagearms.com
SIG Sauer    www.sigsauer.de
Smith & Wesson    www.smith-wesson.com
Springfield Armory    www.springfield-armory.com
Stag Arms    www.stagarms.com
Steyr Mannlicher    www.steyr-mannlicher.com
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.    www.ruger-firearms.com
Taurus    www.taurususa.com
Walther    www.waltheramerica.com
Weatherby    www.weatherby.com
Winchester Rifles & Shotguns    www.winchester-guns.com
ZM Weapons    www.zmweapons.com



Aguila Ammunition    www.aguilaammo.com
Berger Bullets    www.bergerbullets.com
Black Hills    www.black-hills.com
CCI    www.cci-ammunition.com
Cor Bon    www.cor-bon.com
Federal Ammunition    www.federalcartridge.com
Fiocchi    www.fiocchiusa.com
Firequest International    www.firequest.com
Glaser Safety Slug    www.safetyslug.com
Hornady    www.hornady.com
Igman    www.igman.com/ammunition
Nosler    www.nosler.com
Remington Ammunition    www.remington.com
Rio Ammunition    www.rioammo.com
SBR    www.sbrammunition.com
White Feather .308    www.snipercountry.com
Winchester Ammunition    www.winchester.com
Wolf Performance Ammunition    www.wolfammo.com



22lr Conversions (Conversions)    www.22lrconversions.com
ATN (Night Vision)    www.atncorp.com
Bianchi (Holsters)    www.bianchi.com
Binoculars.com (Binoculars and Scopes)    www.binoculars.com
Bipod ShootingSticks (Bipod)    www.bipodshootingsticks.com
Black Hills Leather (Holsters)    www.blackhillsleather.com
Crimson Trace (Laser Sight)    www.crimsontrace.com
EOTech Holographic Weapons Systems (Sites)    www.eotech-inc.com
Firequest (Misc. Accessories)    www.firequest.com
Flashlight Outlet (lights)    www.FlashlightOutlet.com
Gunshots.net    www.gun-shots.net
Hogue (Grips)    www.getgrip.com
Kramer Handgun Leather (Holsters)    www.kramerleather.com
Lancer Systems (Magazines)    www.lancer-systems.com
Lasermax (Laser Sight)    www.lasermax-inc.com
Lee Precision Inc. (Reloading)    www.leeprecision.com
Leupold (Scopes)    www.leupold.com
Lyman (Reloading)    www.lymanproducts.com
Magpul (Magazines)    www.magpul.com
Mernickle (Holsters)    www.mernickle.com
NIC Law Enforcement Supply    www.nic-inc.com
Pachmayr (Grips)    www.pachmayr.com
Pelican (Cases/Storage)    www.pelican.com
Plano AirGlide (Gun Case)    www.gunaccessories.com
Redding Reloading    www.redding-reloading.com
Safariland (Holsters)    www.safariland.com
Sidearmor (Holsters)    www.sidearmor.net
Supertrap (Firing Ranges)    www.supertrap.com
Tapco (Magazines)    www.tapco.com
UniversalHolsters (Holsters)    www.universalholsters.com
Weaver (Optics)    www.weaveroptics.com
Yankee Hill Machine Co. (Suppressors)    www.yhm.net



Auctionarms.com (Gun auctions)
Bravo Company USA
Cheaper Than Dirt
Delta Force
DPMS Panther Arms
Eagle Grips
ebang Auctions
GunCite (Second Amendment Issues)
The Gunfighter Zone
GunsAmerica.com (The Honor System Gun Classifieds)
Gunbroker.com (Gun auctions)
Gunstuff.com (Gun Links)
International Military Sales PLUS (IMS-PLUS)
JP Enterprises (Performance Tactical Gear)
Model "1" Sales
Noveske Rifleworks
Paladin Press
R Guns
Rock River Arms (Custom Firearm/Parts/Accessories)
Shomer Tec (Law Enforcement and Military Equipment)
Shotgun News
Soldier of Fortune
Spike's Tactical
Spy Stuff
Tactical Machining
Troy Industries
US Cavalary Magazine
Valery Shilin's Gun Club
Waterbrick International
Webpal.org (Nuclear Survival)

Friendly Organizations

Friendly Organizations   

Discover Shooting
Firing Line
Gun Owners of America (GOA)
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
* National Rifle Association (NRA)
Remtek - The Arms Site
Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
The Nation's Gun Show
Women Against Gun Control (WAGC)

Unfriendly Organizations

Unfriendly Organizations   

President Barack Hussein Obama II
Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
Handgun Control, Inc.(HCI)
Now calling themselves
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Million (sic.) Mom March
Speaker of the House Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi
National Education Association
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Page last modified: 26 April 2011
©2011 Systemic Antidotes